Product Compliance
Building Trust through Sustainable Standards
As a company, we are committed to various regulative regulations during the manufacturing of our products. These are mainly requirements made by law on the safety of our products within the European Union. Yet as an international player, social responsibility is becoming more and more important to us e.g. in the handling of potential conflict minerals.
We have put some information together to show you how we are discharging our responsibility to meet these requirements.
CE - Marking: Important information regarding our products
With reference to the Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC our motorized products (scanning stages, focus drives etc.) fall under the definition of “incomplete machinery”. In the case of incomplete machinery, the Machinery Directive requires the manufacturer to present a Declaration of Incorporation, which specifies all the relevant directives and standards. A printed Declaration of Incorporation, which also lists the serial number of the respective product, is enclosed with every one of our motorized products delivered. Please note that in compliance with the Machinery Directive, our motorized products as incomplete machinery do not have the CE mark.
For our electric/electronic products which are not subject to the Machinery Directive (controllers, operating devices, manual measuring stages with integrated measuring system), we prepare a Declaration of Conformity in compliance with EMC, RoHS and, if necessary, in compliance with the Low Voltage Directive, and attach the CE mark to the product. In compliance with applicable EU directives, our Declarations of Conformity do not have any serial number references and are not generally included with the products. On request, we will be happy to provide the respective Declarations of Conformity for your delivery at any time.
Other regulations sometimes apply for our automated and customer-specific products. We will be happy to inform you about the situation for the respective product on request.
We confirm compliance with the RoHS Directive for our electro-technical products on our Declarations of Incorporation or Conformity. You will find more detailed information about our handling of the RoHS Directive in our RoHS information for customers.
RoHS Information for Customers German (Issue: 15.06.2021)
RoHS Information for Customers English (Issue: 15.06.2021)
Our products are so-called articles, which, according to the REACH regulation, are not subject to registration. As a manufacturer of articles, we are classified as a so-called downstream user under REACH and, as such, are likewise not subject to REACH registration. Nevertheless, we fulfil our duty to provide information by means of our REACH information for customers.
REACH Information for Customers German (Issue: 15.01.2025)
REACH Information for Customers English (Issue: 15.01.2025)
In the USA, chemicals are regulated under the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA), among others. In 2021, a new version of this act was passed and strict regulation of 5 persistent, bioaccumulative and toxic chemicals (PBT) was introduced. For more information on the regulation and how we deal with it, please refer to our TSCA customer information.
TSCA Information for Customers German (Issue: 08.02.2022)
TSCA Information for Customers English (Issue: 08.02.2022)
Conflict Minerals
As a manufacturer of micro-positioning systems for microscopy, we do not purchase or process either tantalum, tin, tungsten, gold or their derivatives. Furthermore, we do not use any purchased parts which are comprised exclusively from the raw materials listed. However, small quantities of gold and tin are used in electric/electronic components which are incorporated in our products as well as in production materials used in our products.
General information on our conflict minerals management can be found in our conflict minerals information for customers. Detailed information on our due diligence measures as well as our current state of research and knowledge regarding our supply chain is available in the form of a CMRT (Conflict Minerals Reporting Template).
Conflict Minerals Information for Customers German (Issue: 05.12.2016)
Conflict Minerals Information for Customers English (Issue: 05.12.2016)
Conflict Minerals Reporting Table CMRT 6.31 (Issue: 17.04.2024)
Do You Have Any Questions on the Subject of Product Compliance?
Please feel free to contact our department for Technical Documentation by phone at +49 6441 9116-60 or by e-mail at documentation(at)